Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Round 2...FIGHT!

So, 2008 was actually a weird entry into the ongoing Marvel vrs DC battle but this time in movie form: The Hulk and Iron Man vrs Batman. Difficult to say who won, probably a score draw if we're honest.

2010, however, is where the shit will go down. Marvel have unveiled their release schedule, as have Warner Bros who own DC. Here it is:

Iron Man 2 (Marvel) : May 7th, 2010
Twilight: Eclipse (Warners) : June 30th, 2010
Thor (Marvel), Inception (Warners, Christopher Nolan's next film) : July 16th, 2010
Jonah Hex (DC/Warners) : August 6th, 2010
Green Lantern (DC/Warners) : December 17th, 2010
The First Avenger: Captain America (Marvel) : May 6th, 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 (Warners), The Avengers (Marvel) : July 15th, 2011

Obviously, the big one is Potter vrs The Avengers. It will be interesting to see if either studio moves the release date for those films, Iron Man/Thor/Captain America are supposed to bulid towards The Avengers so that could have huge heat. More that Potter though?

Bet none of them get any Oscars.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Yet another video but who cares

Yep, looking like a good year for movies.

Bit of business

I am now up to date with the film reviews, they're posted on the date I saw them so look back over the past month or so to find them. I won't get so behind again, promise!

And just for Ryan because he can't look for things on the Internet by himself because he gets distracted and watches videos of male rape from Oz over and over and over again, here's the new Transformers trailer:

Monday, February 09, 2009

Friday, February 06, 2009

And so it continues

Still funny.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I now have a new hero

God Bless Christian Bale.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

I Love The Superbowl!

And it's not for the 'football', it's for great trailer that get shown during the commercial breaks for awesome summer blockbusters.

Out of those, it's pretty much a tie between Transformers and GI Joe (which will hopefully be renamed Action Force over here but I doubt it).

If pushed, I'm leaning towars Joe simply because of Dennis Quaid. His wolfish grin makes my knees weak.


I know I have reviews still to do

But this is to good not to share.

Internet fame awaits!