Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The screen on my laptop broke. The screen went dark but I could still make out stuff on the screen so I'm guessing that the backlight broke.

Now I have to use the old laptop again. Everything looks small and the screen isn't as nice and the keys are different and I can't burn DVDs or anything.


The warranty should cover it but first I've got to get Sony to pick the damn thing up.

I'm guessing this could be the first of a series of posts.

And I failed my driving test.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Me likey Iron Man! Me likey Iron Man!

Iron Man looks cool. Not as cool as the hi-res movie trailer but still pretty cool.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Goddamn those Ninja Yakuzas!

Yeah, there is no way that is getting a UK cinema release. How the Hell do they get away with that stuff?

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Those Wii jokes aren't so funny any more, are they?

You know things are going well when you don't even have to advertise your product for it to sell really well.

You know, I remember having a GameCube and watching it die a painful death whilst everyone else ignored it. One silly name and new control scheme later and they've conquered the world.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Looks like the internet is going to break again.

The new Grand Theft Auto IV trailer is up, so the internet will no doubt slow to a crawl.

Thoughts? It's undeniable that the game looks great. But my concern is how the thing is going to control. That's going to be the biggest thing. It can look as great as any Hollywood summer blockbuster but if it still controls like a dog whenever you try to shoot something then what's the point of all the fancy next-gen hi-def razzamatazz?

I'm going to hold off my final opinion until I see actual gameplay footage. That or play it. That'd be nice.

Jail time occurs in real time

They won't be able to hold him. I give it a week before he escapes in a hail of gunfire.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Film Review: America Gangster

American Gangster @ IMDB

Last time we did the equation Russel Crowe + Ridley Scott (ignoring A Good Year for obvious reasons) we had the cinematic juggernaut that was Gladiator. Unleash Hell and all that.

So what do we get this time? We get Russel Crowe as an incorruptible New York cop tasked with bringing down major drug lords. A pure brand of heroin is flooding the streets and no one knows where it's coming from. But wait, who's this in a very expensive looking chinchilla fur coat? Why, it's academy award winning actor Denzel Washington!

The easiest comparison: Heat, in that you have two heavyweight actors that don't actually share a scene until the end. Other nods and hats tipped to include The French Connection and Goodfellas. Illustrious company, that goes without saying. Can the film stand amongst them?

Yeah. It's not quite the masterpiece it wants to be but you can't fault it. Both leads are great, the look of the film is superb, the plot engrossing. This is Russel Crowe from The Insider rather than Cinderella Man, which can only be a good thing. Denzel is Denzel.

My only concern: it hasn't quite got the iconic scene that the other films have: the bank robbery from Heat, the car chase from French Connection, pretty much any scene you fancy from Goodfellas. Don't get me wrong, the film is great but you just wanted that one great scene to push it over the top. Whether or not this means that the film will stand the test of time is a question that will have to wait for a while.

It's also a long film so pack a cushion.

So, great film, no complaints. My only problem was that my free cinema card didn't work so I had to pay. That sucked.

The film gets a pair of knuckle dusters, the ideal thing to beat lowlifes with to prove who is in charge.

Jackie Chan + Comics = Awesome

Seriously! Why?

Okay, fine, THIS is the most disgusting thing ever.

I just don't understand. Did I miss a meeting? When did we decide vomit was sexy?

I had to wipe the sick out of my keyboard

The most disgusting thing ever.

I apologise in advance. If you can make it to the end you're a stronger person than I am. Or you just enjoy the sight of two women, a cup full of pooh and vomit.

Oh god, now I have to go be sick again.