Sunday, April 01, 2007

So we're all still here then.

Went to Weston-Super-Mare yesterday, a seeside resort not too far away. Basically sand, pier and sea very far away. A fun time was had by all, highlights including:

- Winning no less than 3 toys from those Crane machines they have in arcades, one on my second go and then following that up with 2 in one. I am the master.
- My wife dropping a portion of fish and chips, her fork for her lunch and the cap for our son's bottle of water and not once was it my fault
- Buying The Walking Dead volume 3

Lowlights are restricted the amount of chavs and lowlifes hanging around the place. I guess living in a place that survives as a seaside resort would, after a few years, turn anyone to cynicism.

Another highlight was finding in the amusement arcade on the pier a new After Burner and, even better it was the Deluxe cabinet: big ass screen, the whole thing is on hydraulics that throw you around as you fire hot missile death at the enemy with the explosions booming out of the powerful sound system. Very fun.

But not as fun as a machine I saw once in Blackpool, the near legendary R360 cabinet. This was basically an After Burner style game but the main selling point was that this cabinet could do a COMPLETE 360 DEGREE SPIN IN ANY DIRECTION. Awesome. Unfortunatly, I couldn't get a go when I saw it as I couldn't find an attendent to operate it. Boo hiss indeed.

And my wife nearly sank in some mud on the beach. Trust me, it was funny if you were there.

And as for the GTAIV trailer: looks alright. New York looks cool. Would have liked to have seen a bit more of the game considering the build up. Any of the game would have been good.

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