Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Best. TV Show. Ever

I love Family Guy. I think it's great that despite being cancelled twice it's still going and lots of people actually like it. In fact, when Channel 4 did a list of the Top 100 Cartoons Family Guy actually got in at number 5, which astonished me no end.

So I was watching it last night and saw 2 episodes that had 3 bits that just left me unable to breathe. The first is as follows:

What makes this clip so great is the little bits that are just like the actual A-Team credits: Hannibal in the monster suit, the cylon, Mr T's slow turn in the car...faultless. Then in the next episode it hit me with this:

Now, I was only vaugely aware of this internet meme before but this was such a surreal moment in the show that I laughed like an idiot.

Obviously, the Family Guy people knew I was now softened up so they went in for the kill:

That was it. I couldn't breathe. Tears were streaming down my face. Like the A-Team bit, the genius of this was all the little bits that were the same as the film: falling off the cliff, pulling out Peter's heart, the mine chase.

I love Family Guy.

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