Monday, April 06, 2009

The Week In The Wire

Episodes 1 to 5

So, I'm sure most if not all of you have heard of The Wire. The critically acclaimed HBO show which seems to have been everywhere for the last few weeks.

The show actually started in 2002 but was never on terrestrial TV which limited it's audience somewhat. But since the show ended last year it's popularity seems to have gone through the roof.

So the BBC, never shy of a bandwagon, had decided to show the whole thing from the beginning on week nights. Which is great for me as I've never seen it before. So, you'll be getting my thoughts as I goes along as I catch up with TV I should have watched years ago.

Thoughts so far:

1) Wouldn't really want to live in Baltimore

2) When they say explicit language, they ain't kidding. One of my favourite scenes so far was with McNulty and his partner re-visiting a crime scene and swearing like pirates. But it wasn't good just for the fruity language, it was the way you saw them figure out what happened without someone standing there explaining it for you like in CSI or something.

3) Speaking of respecting the audience's intelligence, is it just the BBC version that has no "Previously on The Wire" segments?

4) Initially, it does seem to be a more focused version of Traffic as we're dealing primarily with the drug trade in this series. But what makes it better than Traffic is the rich vein of humor that runs through the show.

5) Lesbians?

Overall, it's great so far and we're barely into it yet. Might have to say third favourite show after Lost and Harry Hill.


dgprescott said...

I found your blog through your Dougie Anderson facebook group, I'm not stalking you, promise! :) I just started watching The Wire too! I'm up to episode 5, I should have been watching this years ago. The part where D'Angelo explains chess to his crew was more inspired than entire series of tv shows, and it was a 3 minute digression! Really cool. - David Prescott

dgprescott said...

Just finished the series, one of the greatest cop dramas I've ever seen. I think that the first season was probably the best, but season four had it's charms too. I don't know why they needed to keep killing off all my favorite gangstas! I guess there's a lesson in that. Life expectancy of a Baltimore corner drug dealer = 22 years.