Monday, April 06, 2009

One week in: the iPod Touch

So, it's been a week with my first wholly owned Apple product (the Good Lady Wife had a 2nd Gen iPod Nano but I never used it that much) which means it's tell for an update:


You want more?

Previously my mobile entertainment has been entirely around my PSP. Which was podcasts out and about and games when at home and plugged into a power socket.

Oh boy, have I've I seen a difference. The interface on the PSP, which admittedly came out before the iPhone/iPod Touch, is so antiquated. Using the Internet is a nightmare on the Sony device, connecting to wi-fi takes ages and it feels clunky. It felt clunky before I got my hands on my iPod.

The App store is amazing, syncing it is a dream, it's amazing. And I can really understand why people love the iPhone so much, some of the Apps change the way you think about mobile devices.

Go buy one.

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