Sunday, March 18, 2007

I'm going to raise this in the next meeting

Why did no one tell me about this? Hmm? Why did no one mention that a seven and a half minute preview of Spider-Man 3 was on the Internet? I have e-mail, this blog has a facility for leaving comments. Why did no one think to just drop me a quick note, post a link or anything?

I am disapointed in you all.

Leaving that to one side for now, that looks good. Spidey vrs The Gnarly Green Goblin* looks amazing on a teeny video clip on my laptop. I am still concerned about the film, mainly due to the amount of new characters being thrown at this film which reminds me of the worst excesses of the Batman films. But I trust Sam Raimi and that clip has reinforced my faith.

Only a few months to go.

*Why a surfboard? Why? Didn't we leave Bill & Ted behind?

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