Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I still love my new laptop

I do. And I've been playing with it loads which is why I haven't posted on here for a bit. But anyway, initial thoughts:

1) Sony laptop screens are fantastic. Really clean, clear and bright.

2) I love burning DVDs. I love burning CDs. Just being able to burn anything is great.

3) Windows Vista. Now, I may have previously groaned about the newest version of Windows but, you know what, it works. It doesn't do anything new or amazing that blows you away. it just works. It's like all those old promises made by Microsoft about how Windows will work, how easy it will be to do stuff, they seem to finally be getting near to that. Not much different than XP but very pleasant to use.

4) I love being able to put my memory stick from my PSP straight into the laptop and copy stuff over quickly and take it out straight away. Love it.

5) The battery on my old laptop was getting worn out, So worn out in fact that if you booted it up without it being plugged in, by the time you got logged in and everything the battery would be practically dead. Not so on my new laptop. I've been using it unplugged for ages and the battery keeps on going. And, it has yet to catch fire.

6) Games! I won't be able to play Crysis but things like The Movies will run on there which is good enough for me.

7) My dear wife attempted to name the new laptop Betsy. I said no, this laptop is a lady. A classy lady. She needs to be called something like Mercedes or Versace. To put it in perspective, the old laptop is now called Godfrey.

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